lunes, 23 de enero de 2012

Like film Brasil

7 comentarios:

Art dijo...

Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog!

This is so beautiful and so clever!

Your photos are really impressive!

Have a lovely weekend!

Fernando Santos (Chana) dijo...

Bela fotografia...Espectacular....

Dolors Reig Vilarrubla dijo...

Art: thanks to you!, I love your photos because they are totally different and every time I see a job yours me amazed and I wonder how you can do these things! they look like tables! and also to transmit what it sees with something abstract! The amazing meeting. Thank you also again to go leaving your comments on my blog! a big hug!

Fernando: gracias por tu comentario, me recordó a la película Brazil!. Saludos.

Marta bernadets dijo...

M´encanta Dolors!!! El processat sembla que és "clave alta" o semblant, no?? Felicitats per la foto!

Dolors Reig Vilarrubla dijo...

Hola Marta, doncs sí, hi he afegit retoc d'una mica de tot, saturació, to, brillo, contrast, etc... gràcies bonica.

Anónimo dijo...

Un B/N excepcional!
Mira que m'agrada!

Dolors Reig Vilarrubla dijo...

Gracies Remei, m'agrada tornar-te veure per aquí, petonets.